SW*IP CH Good Practice Guide (GPG)
In January of 2022, SW*IP CH launched our Good Practice Guide. The Good Practice Guide can be found on our website in German and English by changing the language of the site. We are currently working on translating it into French as well.
This guide is intended for use at philosophy institutes in Switzerland. Firstly, it names and informs about widespread problems at institutes of philosophy. Secondly, it makes concrete suggestions on how to create a better climate in all institutes of philosophy, in which all persons, regardless of their gender, feel safe and comfortable. Specifically, we have in mind the goal to create a better climate for persons, who are underrepresented in the field of academic philosophy on the basis of their gender and/or the fact that they do not identify with the gender assigned to them at birth. This guide provides suggestions on how to improve the situation for all women (cis and trans), trans men and non-binary persons in academic philosophy.
This guide contains proposals, which are useful for professors, junior and mid-level researchers or staff, and students at institutes of philosophy in Switzerland.
The SW*IP Good Practice Guide is intended as a living document. Below you will find the most recent version of the document, which can be directly downloaded in PDF or Word format using the embedded Google document website. If you cannot access the embedded website (this will be the case if you are viewing on a mobile device), you can download a PDF of the document by clicking on the links. However, please be aware that the linked PDF might not be the most current version. The most current version can always be found below.
If you have any feedback, questions, or inputs for the guide, please email us at info@swipswitzerland.org