Time & Location
09 Apr 2024, 18:00 – 22:00
KO2-G-275, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich, Switzerland
About the Event
Getting feedback and discussing one's ideas in community is essential to the process of writing seminar papers and helps us develop as better writers. In this workshop we will create a space for participants to share excerpts of works in progress with their peers as well as writing prompts to help them start or continue writing an existing paper. The goal of this workshop is to create a supportive space for students to develop their ideas. It is open to students at all levels of study.
Introductory Exercise: Research Blind Date
In this exercise participants will write down 3 key terms from their writing or study or research interests generally. Then participants will “blindly” match up with others based on the key words of others. They then will introduce themselves and how they came to be interested in the topics they selected.
Writing Sample Swap
Participants will match up with each other and share a writing sample of 1-3 pages. Each person will spend time reading the sample of the others making notes about the following:
- What are the main concepts in the text?
- What is the goal of the text?
- Are the main concepts and goal clear?
In the case you do not have a sample to share, participants are welcome to spend some time explaining their ideas to their partner while taking notes on the same questions.
Free Write
Participants will spend 10-15 minutes writing 1-2 paragraphs summarising their ides about the paper sample they read or ideas discussed during the swap. This should feel like a written conversation. Then each participant will give their free write to their partner from the swap and discuss.
Small group discussions
Participants will be given a few tips for writing and are encouraged to share strategies they have with others as well as discuss any questions they have that have arisen during the exercises.