Thu, 20 Apr
Doing Philosophy Better: Workshop on the SW*IP CH Good Practice Guide
Time & Location
20 Apr 2023, 12:00 – 13:30
About the Event
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 673 9538 8556
Passcode: 435757
The field of academic philosophy has a serious problem with the underrepresentation of women as well as persons, who do not identify with the gender assigned to them at birth. This is due to structural forms of gendered marginalization and exclusion that create unsafe and harmful environments. The first step to combatting this is to make these structural forms of underrepresentation, marginalization, and exclusion as well as their effects visible.
In the first part of this workshop participants will be given a brief introduction to the SW*IP CH Good Practice Guide, which explores how mechanisms such as implicit bias, stereotype threat, as well as sexual and moral harassment manifest within philosophical settings: working, teaching, and learning, and how transforming certain conditions and practices could help combat them. In the second part of the workshop, participants will be invited to ask questions, share their experiences implementing the ideas in the guide, or to discuss and develop strategies for how to do so at their institutions in Switzerland.
This workshop is open to persons of all genders working at all levels in the university, as well as at all levels of study, and those currently working in academia or not. Participants are encouraged to have a look at the SW*IP CH Good Practice Guide as an introduction to the topics that will or could be discussed. If you have a topic that you’d particularly like to discuss or are interested in contributing to the workshop, please contact me at stephanie.deig@doz.unilu.ch.
Stephanie Deig, MA, is a PhD Candidate at the University of Lucerne. She is a co-founder of two organizations that have worked to combat gendered inequalities in the academic field of philosophy in Switzerland and is active as a board member with The Society for Women* in Philosophy Switzerland.